Monday, November 1, 2010

sea salt = trace minerals?

When I was growing up, I remember table salt being a staple at the table and predominantly my choice over the pepper (if there was a pepper option). What I didn't know is that that table salt was iodized back in the late 20's to help control the outbreak of goiter that was occurring around the Great Lakes at the turn of the century. However the salt itself, was and still is a refined salt, meaning, it has been processed from its natural state and therefore the molecular structure and benefits, depending on its origin, are completely stripped and can be very harmful to the body to ingest or soak in. There have been several types of processed salts introduced over the last century that are toxic when heated and reprocessed, and all has been related to so much occurrence of obesity and heart disease and stroke. Ironically sea salt, in its natural and unprocessed state, is actually good for you. In fact, our bodies' blood plasma was proven to be chemically identical to that of ocean plasma by Dr. Rene Quinton, in France at the turn of the 20th century in his book: "L'eau de mer milieu organique" - (1912: Ed. Masson) Reprinted: Ed. ENCRE 1995:
When digested or soaked in, the body responds very positively to sea salt and becomes balanced; called homeostasis. Technically, Homeostasis is 'The maintenance of an equilibrium within a living organism'. In other words, when the body stays the same on the inside no matter what is happening on the outside. And when the body is introduced to any healthy food, either transdermally or through regular digestion, the body's immunity gets stronger; able to fight flu bugs when needed for instance. Did you also know that unrefined sea salt or Pink Himalayan salts contain over 70 trace minerals, that our body needs and very much responds to, especially when we add it to our raw food or other food recipes? Trace minerals are important for us because we need them in order to synchronize our nutrients to our cells. Otherwise, without the presence of trace or chelated minerals in our foods or vitamins, there is little absorption going on. They are called 'trace' minerals because we only need a little of them at a time as they are only introduced to us naturally by the earth in trace elements. People get sea salts and Pink Himalayan salts mixed up. Both are good and both from the ocean and the pink Himalayan you are usually guaranteed the source, where as sea salts could be from any ocean any where in the world and sometimes it is processed or bleached. You want to ensure that any food you are eating, you know the source is clean and there is very little process or no processing at all. The sea salts, or, let's call them trace minerals here, help the body absorb more nutrients from our foods and they also help us digest even more trace minerals from the foods that contain them when we eat. So just like anything good for our body, they help us to live a healthy long life and survival rate. Without trace minerals, the body is very much lost in terms of its functionality; it breaks down quicker. Here is something interesting that we teach, is that 97% of the earth's iodine and trace minerals are in the ocean. So how it is supposed to work is that the trace minerals travels through our soil, and we get it from our foods that are picked fresh. People talk about organic vs non-organic and most don't realize that it's not only about the chemicals being sprayed into the soil and onto the seeds or flower, its about the lack of nutrients and trace minerals that are not in foods, making it harder and harder for our bodies to be and stay healthy. That is why so many of us crave foods even after having, what we would call an average meal. When the body is not satiated, it will indicate hunger; so we are to feed it with whole foods including good fats and good salts, because it is looking for this. Herbicides and pesticides get rid of any remnants of trace minerals through farming, so literally when you eat food that is not grown organically, you are missing out on ALL of the trace minerals you are supposed to be getting on a daily basis, plus introducing your body to a bunch of fillers that are virtually worthless in nutrient value. When the body gets this over and over again, it eventually slows down everything because it realizes it may not be getting anything valuable in awhile. And unfortunately, lack of trace minerals doesn't just show up like a cold or a flu bug, it shows up in very different and sometimes subtle ways down the road, like psoriasis, eczema, arthritis, thyroidism, heart disease, etc. So many are confused and are staying away from any salt, therefore completely depriving their bodies of any trace minerals at all. So the foods they eat, are of less value than if they had some sea salt on them. What is most unusual to me is when people are told that any salt is bad for them, when millions of people live and millions more flock to the ocean and mineral baths every year to absorb the wonderful elements, 24 hours, 7 days a week and come back feeling like a million! You ever notice someone who is your age, that looks and sounds better? Chances are they are getting their trace minerals.

1 comment:

  1. It is a certainty that a large number of trace minerals are directly linked to good bone health.
